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  Z E I M I A I,  L I T H U A N I A  


Zeimiai is located in central Lithuania, at coordinates: 55° 11' N / 24° 13' E
North of the Sventoji River

- 23.2 miles NNE of Kaunas [Kovno]
- 7.4 miles NNW of Jonava [Yanova]
- 12.0 miles SE of Kedainiai [Keidan]
- Presently in Jonava district
- Formerly in Kaunas [Kovno] District; Kovno Gubernia

Zeimiai is the current Lithuanian spelling.
In Yiddish it was known as Zheim, Zhaim, Zheimi, Zeymie,
Zesheim, Jeimi or Jeimy.

Note: Distinguish another Zeimiai, 55° 17' N / 24° 41' E, in Siauliai District,
just 19.6 miles ENE of this Zeimiai



Jewish Population (Based on Census Pre-War Figures) = 116
From Black Book of Localities Whose Jewish Population Was Exterminated By the Nazis
Published by Yad Vashem, 1965, Jerusalem


  About Zeimiai
From Yahadut Lita (Lithuanian Jewry), Volume 3
Published by The Association of The Lithuanian Jews in Israel, 1967, Tel Aviv

(Zeimiai), Keidan region

Near Yanova (14 km), Shat (12), Keidan (20), Vendzhigola (20), Sheshik (15). Koplitza, where a Jewish settlement existed in the past, is located 14 km from the town.

Before WWI, 60 Jewish families resided there, but before the Holocaust only 20 families remained. Most left town and immigrated to South Africa or America.

There was a house of study (Beith Midrash) there and a study room (Cheder), where 10 children studied.

From the rabbinate: R’ Chaim son of Yaakov Glatzer; R’ Chaim Klivnov, later a Rabbi in Vendzhigola.

Editor's Note: The towns referred to above by their Yiddish names are, in Lithuanian:
Jonava, Seta, Kedainiai, Vandziogala, Koplitza



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